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B Lab uses the power of business to do good in the world. Through business certification, public policy and accredited impact investing


As an intern at B Lab, I worked on the policy team to develop tools and resources for the passing and adoptions of Benefit Corporation legislation. A corporate legal status that allows entrepreneurs to adhere to a creating public benefit over fiduciary responsibility to shareholders.


  • Conducted policy research & data analysis

  • Developed a How-To Guide framework for businesses to incorporate as Benefit Corporations

  • Liaised with State Departments to adopt How-to Guide

  • Published a blog post advocating for benefit corporation legislation for the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC)

  • Planned after-party to celebrate benefit corporation legislation passing in Delaware

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  • How-To Guide adopted for several states

  • Benefit Corporation legislation passed in Delaware

    • Attended bill signing in Wilmington​

    • Attended discussion at World Economic Forum on what bill passing could mean for the future of capitalism

    • Organized an after-party for all stakeholders

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